Topic: BCCI
Het element drugs gekoppeld aan wapens en aan Luxemburg en mogelijke betrokkenheid van CIA/DEA sterkt mijn vermoeden dat het Bende-dossier verbonden is met de grootste bankroof uit de destijdse geschiedenis zijnde het BCCI bank en CIC investeringsmaatschappij dossier, een dossier dat zo gevoelig dat het tot vandaag nog steeds geclassificeerd is als TOP SECRET. Verschillende pogingen om dit publiek te maken mits een FOIA verzoek, zijn tot op heden geweigerd met flauwe excuses. Het bestaat alleen op papier dus de kosten om dit te converteren zijn te duur voor een FOIA.
Als ik in deze thread lees dat Banque Copine van Finne failliet is gegaan, waarna die in Luxemburg aan de slag ging als bankier en contacten had binnen de staatsveiligheid in Zwitserland (waar BCCI ook een filiaal had) naast contacten bij CIA/DEA, dan moet er een link zijn met BCCI of CIC. In die tijd was BCCI een synoniem voor grootschalige witwaspraktijken, wapenhandel (De Belgische staat heeft BCCI gebruikt voor een wapendeal via FN Herstal in die periode), mensenhandel en allerhande vormen van corruptie. Veel prominenten waren daar klant en regulatoren, politici en justitie werd omgekocht zodat BCCI zijn activiteiten kon verderzetten. Zelfs de CIA had er rekeningen die werden gebruikt in het Iran Contra schandaal waarbij drugsgeld werd gebruikt om rebellen te financieren en van wapens te voorzien (Zie: Oliver North / Ronald Reagan - Iran Contra - link onderaan deze post).
Als ik spreek over prominenten dan heb ik het over de hoogste machtsregionen in de VS, UK, Nederland, Luxemburg en Belgie. (BCCI had filialen in 57 landen en rechtstreeks toegang tot het VS bankensysteem via twee dochtermaatschappijen daar). BCCI werd opgericht door een Afghaan en financieel gedekt door drie sjeiks uit de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten. Saudi Arabie komt ook voor in dit verhaal.
De chronologie van BCCI en die van de bende vertoont heel wat raakvlakken:
By 1980, BCCI was reported to have assets of over $4 billion with over 150 branches in 46 countries. Bank of America was "bewildered"[10] by BCCI and reduced its holding in 1980, and the company came to be held by a number of groups, with ICIC[clarification needed] owning 70%. By 1989, ICIC's shareholding was reduced to 11% with Abu Dhabi groups holding almost 40%. However, large numbers of shares were held by BCCI nominees.
In 1982, 15 Middle Eastern investors bought Financial General Bankshares, a large bank holding company headquartered in Washington, D.C. All the investors were BCCI clients, but the Fed received assurances that BCCI would be in no way involved in the management of the company, which was renamed First American Bankshares. To alleviate regulators' concerns, Clark Clifford, an adviser to five presidents, was named First American's chairman. Clifford headed a board composed of himself and several other distinguished American citizens, including former United States Senator Stuart Symington. In truth, BCCI had been involved in the purchase of FGB/First American from the beginning. Abedi had been approached about buying it as early as 1977, but by this time BCCI's reputation in the United States was so poor that it could not hope to buy an American bank on its own (as mentioned above, the OCC was adamantly opposed to BCCI being allowed to buy its way into the American banking industry). Rather, it used the First American investors as nominees. Moreover, Clifford's law firm was retained as general counsel, and also handled most of BCCI's American legal work. BCCI was also heavily involved in First American personnel matters. The relationship between the two was so close that rumors spread BCCI was the real owner of First American.
BCCI’s demise began in 1986, when a US Customs undercover operation led by Special Agent Robert Mazur infiltrated the bank’s private client division and uncovered their active role soliciting deposits from drug traffickers and money launderers. This two-year undercover operation concluded in 1988 with a fake wedding that was attended by BCCI officers and drug dealers from around the world who had established a personal friendship and working relationship with undercover agent Mazur. At the same time he was dealing undercover with BCCI executives, Mazur used his undercover operation to establish a relationship with the hierarchy of the Medellin Cartel as one of their sources for laundering drug proceeds. Mazur's and others roles in the sting operation were highlighted in the 2016 film The Infiltrator.
In 1988, the bank was implicated for being the center of a major money-laundering scheme. After a six-month trial, BCCI, under immense pressure from US authorities, pleaded guilty in 1990, but only on the grounds of respondeat superior. While federal regulators took no action, Florida regulators forced BCCI to pull out of the state.
In 1990 U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch presented an impassioned defense of the bank in a speech on the Senate floor. He and his aide, Michael Pillsbury, were involved in efforts to counter the negative publicity that surrounded the bank, and Hatch solicited the bank to approve a $10 million loan to a close friend, Mazur Hourani.
In addition to violations of lending laws, BCCI was also accused of opening accounts or laundering money for figures such as Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega, Hussain Mohammad Ershad and Samuel Doe, and for criminal organizations such as the Medellin Cartel and Abu Nidal. Police and intelligence experts nicknamed B.C.C.I. the "Bank of Crooks and Criminals" for its penchant for catering to customers who dealt in arms, drugs and hot money.
William von Raab, a former U.S. Commissioner of Customs, also told the Kerry Committee that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency held "several" accounts at BCCI. According to a 1991 article in Time magazine, the National Security Council also had accounts at BCCI, which were used for a variety of covert operations, including transfers of money and weapons for Iran-Contra.
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Geruchten doen de ronde dat de Windsors en Saksen-Coburg ook konden worden gelinked aan BCCI waarbij er sprake is van kindermisbruik in Saoedi Arabië en drugshandel.
Wat ik in deze thread ook las, is dat er werd geklaagd over het feit dat wapens werden betaald met drugs (cocaine). Dat was inderdaad gangbaar, de hoge prijs van cocaine maakte het een ideaal ruilmiddel voor wapens (of heroine).
De BCCI had een eigen soort van staatsveiligheid die klokkenluiders, spionnen, kortweg alles wat een bedreiging zou vormen voor hun bestaan of verdere expansie op andere gedachten moest brengen. Goedschiks door omkoping of kwaadschiks door chantage, vals bewijsmateriaal, geweld of in scene gezette zelfmoord. Of gewoon moord. Die uitvoerders waren untouchables.
Hierbij nog wat links:
Kerry Committee Report BCCI » YouTube
BCCI Bank Fraud CIA » YouTube
Hearing on the CIA and drug trafficking » YouTube
The Mena Connection: Involvement of figures such as Oliver North and former presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton? » YouTube
CIA FOIA | Terrorist threat in Belgium | mentions “Crazy Brabant Killers” » Forum
Ronald Reagan: Nicaragua | Letter to Robert H. Michel from Ronald Reagan » (PDF)
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