(182 replies, posted in Gladio - Staatsveiligheid)

noorderling wrote:

En dan is daar ineens die dekselse George W. Bush. Hij durft het aan. Ik heb daar respect voor.

Bush, is dat niet die familie die de Nazi's financierde?


(278 replies, posted in 1982)

Noorderling, ik bewonder uw kracht, hier dingen proberen te ontkrachten! Maar wie zegt dat uw gelijk, het gelijk is?


(56 replies, posted in Prullenbak)

noorderling, mijn opmerking was eigenlijk (lichtelijk) sarcastisch bedoeld, no offense.


(56 replies, posted in Prullenbak)

Da's knap met een Uzi, een van de meest, niet tref zekere automatische wapens.


(56 replies, posted in Prullenbak)

Mijns inziens was er niet een psychopaat maar waren ze het allemaal.


(4 replies, posted in Bibliografie)

Zal wel aan mij liggen, maar ik kan niet lachen om deze "humor". 28+ doden, vind ik niet grappig.


(36 replies, posted in Wapenhandel)

Hier een interessante link over wapenhandel » workshop.chromeexperiments.com


(134 replies, posted in Andere Personen)

Staat er op de site hier ook ergens een foto van Claude Dubois?


(25 replies, posted in Gladio - Staatsveiligheid)

Gladio blijft voor mij interessant, ook gezien wat hier geschreven staat:

Military trainers/operatives and civilian operatives
Recruitment (how, criteria)
Training activities (joint international training/war games, sabotage, intelligence ....)
Funding (equipment)
Weapons, weapons-depots.
Both military intelligence and Staatsveiligheid maintained dossiers on Gladio training activities, of which incomplete versions were made available to the parliamentary committee. Events from the list of operations by the military branch was provided by Coëme and is denoted by A, while events from the list from the archives of the Staatsveiligheid (titled "Overzicht oefeningen in het kader ACC – periode 1980-1990") is denoted by B:
(A) 1972: Training on clandestine techniques.
(A) 1976: Training on radio-communications, intelligence, maritime operations, aerial operations and escape routes.
(A) 1977: Training on optimizing techniques to locate downed pilots and the use of escape routes.
(A) 1978: In-door training on clandestine missions.
(A) 1980: Training on parachute-jumping, long distance radio communication and clandestine techniques.
(B) June 1980: OREGAN II
(A) 1981: Lessons and training on clandestine activities.
(A) 1983: Training on escape routes, intelligence, aerial operations and radio communications.
(A) 1985: Six trainings (at least two outside Belgium, one in Belgium): infiltration a parachute-jumping, extracting material through escape routes.
(A) 1986, 1987 & 1988: Trainings outside Belgium on intelligence operations and radio communications.
Minister Melchior Wathelet testified before the parliamentary inquiry that secret weapon depots were created in the 1950s, of which a first one was discovered in 1957 due to a landslide, and a second one in 1959 by playing children. He further stated that after these discoveries it was decided to abandon the depots and transfer the weapons to a military depot. An inventory report, dated 1991, for the military section of Gladio mentions inflatable boats, video-equipment and around 300 weapons, including M1 carbines, MP40 submachine guns and "armes en cocon", weapons packaged for longterm storage.

Bron » Wikipedia


(171 replies, posted in 1983)

De bijl van Ordine Nuovo?