Re: Vragen

karel1987 wrote:

Overleden dader

Hallo, een vraag die ik al lang heb. Stel dat politieagent Eddy nevens de dader in de auto geraakt heeft. Stel dat die dader gewond is geraakt en dat die uiteindelijk is overleden. Dan moet er toch vanaf dat moment iemand vermist worden. Is daar ooit verder naar gekeken?

Zie ook het topic "Onbekende lijken".

"Le monde est dangereux à vivre! Non pas tant à cause de ceux qui font le mal, mais à cause de ceux qui regardent et laissent faire." Volg ons via » Facebook | twitter | YouTube


Re: Vragen

Een overzicht van archieven vind je in dit topic » Forum

"Le monde est dangereux à vivre! Non pas tant à cause de ceux qui font le mal, mais à cause de ceux qui regardent et laissent faire." Volg ons via » Facebook | twitter | YouTube


Re: Vragen

I have a copy and paste for FOIA requests. They main thing I'll need is important dates names and locations.

Here is an example:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Records/Information Dissemination Section
170 Marcel Drive
Winchester, VA 22602-4843

Subject: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act Request

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to submit a request under both the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, to obtain a complete record of all information the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) holds about me. I also request all communications about me that the FBI has sent or received, as well as any other information that the FBI has collected, received, or shared in relation to me.

To assist in locating the records pertaining to me, please find the following details:

  1. Full Name: [Your Full Name]

  2. Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth]

  3. Social Security Number (optional): [Your SSN, if applicable]

In accordance with the FOIA and Privacy Act, I request that you provide me with the following information:

1. Any and all records, documents, or files that contain personal information pertaining to me, including but not limited to:

  • Investigation files

  • Reports

  • Correspondence

  • Memoranda

  • Electronic communications (emails, text messages, etc.)

  • Surveillances

  • Interviews

  • Statements

  • Transcripts

  • Audio/visual recordings

  • Photographs or images

2. Any records of communications sent or received by the FBI that mention or relate to me, including but not limited to:

  • Internal FBI communications

  • Communications with other law enforcement agencies

  • Communications with intelligence agencies

  • Communications with third parties

3. Any information, reports, or data collected, received, or shared by the FBI in relation to me, including but not limited to:

  • Background checks

  • Criminal history records

  • Surveillance records

  • Intelligence reports

  • Analytical reports

  • Financial records

  • Travel records

  • Employment records

  • Education records

4. Any information shared with or received from any other government agencies or third parties in relation to me.

I understand that certain information may be exempt from disclosure under the FOIA and Privacy Act, such as classified information, ongoing investigations, and information that would constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. However, I request that you provide me with as much information as possible, and if any exemptions are claimed, please provide a specific justification for each exemption.

If there are any fees associated with processing this request, please inform me in advance of any costs exceeding $50. I request that you provide a detailed breakdown of any applicable fees prior to proceeding with the request.

I prefer to receive the requested information in an electronic format, such as PDF files or other commonly used digital formats. If it is not possible to provide the information electronically, please inform me of the available alternatives.

Please confirm receipt of this request in writing and provide an estimated timeline for the completion of the request as required by law.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to receiving the requested information within the statutory time frame.


[Your Name]

Re: Vragen

Xenophon wrote:

It's been tried (not by me). Mainly regarding DEA-activity in Belgium during the period in question. The requests were either denied in full or replies were so heavily redacted as to be meaningless.

Did your requests have anything to do with former gendarmes living in Florida? If not, I may give it a try.


Re: Vragen

Getuigen harde kern: Reus, Oude, Killer

Misschien is dit een loze vraag voor velen, maar waaruit blijkt de terugkerende beschrijvingen van De Reus, Killer en Oude Man, preciws vandaan? Ik weet dat ze in 1985 overal gezien zijn, maar op de robot fotos staan zoveel composities, hoe is het dat mensen uit andere delen van het land, met jaren ertussenin et cetera, toch allemaal die harde kern aanwijzen? Ik heb het naslagwerk nooit echt gezien.

Klopt het ook wel dat deze beschrijving bij alle overvallen na Dinant overeenstemmig is?


Re: Vragen

Hugenot wrote:

Klopt het ook wel dat deze beschrijving bij alle overvallen na Dinant overeenstemmig is?

Nee. Dat klopt niet.

De beschrijving Killer-Reus-Oude zoals ze op een bepaald moment werd verspreid door de Cel Waals Brabant is enkel van toepassing voor de feiten in Overijse.

"Le monde est dangereux à vivre! Non pas tant à cause de ceux qui font le mal, mais à cause de ceux qui regardent et laissent faire." Volg ons via » Facebook | twitter | YouTube


Re: Vragen

In Ronquières zou er voor de officiële duik naar de zakken 3 mannen met een Renault R4 opdracht gegeven hebben om te duiken. Is er sprake van een Renault R4 in het dossier? En is er een witte Renault R4 verdwenen?